14 Dec 2014

Photo of the week: Visualisation as you've never seen it before!

Professor Paul Bonnington demonstrating Monash's CAVE2(TM) facility, Monash's Immersive Visualisation Platform at the Clayton campus. CAVE stands for CAVE Assisted Virtual Environment. CAVE2 is a trademark of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. The backdrop image is of neural pathways in 3D. See more:

Season's Greetings from Head of School

Steve rising to the challenge of sounding
convincing in "Explain my graph" at the
2014 CCS postgraduate symposium...
I would like to thank all academic, professional, teaching, administrative and support staff for their hard work in 2014. Although we face difficult times from a funding perspective, the School continues to flourish and grow through the efforts of its dedicated staff.

I would also like to thank our dedicated and enthusiastic postgraduate and Honours students for their commitment to their research projects and participation in wider academic life. 22 of our PhD students were awarded their degrees during 2014, an outstanding effort.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and safe and peaceful New Year and look forward to further enhancing our excellence in research, teaching and patient care in 2015.

Steve Jane, Head of Central Clinical School

Editorial for final 2014 CCS Blog news

Central Clinical School web page visits - weekly rate has doubled over 2014 with a total of 1.5M views
(Figures exclude Monash visitors). CCSMonash Google+ averaging around 1000 views/day.
This is the final edition of the CCS local enews for 2014. Collectively, the school has had a phenomenal output and profile and it's a bit like riding rapids to represent you all to the wider world! Your work has had literally millions of views over the year (no exaggeration, see graph above).
Your feedback on our news services would be very much appreciated. Please take our survey (only 8 questions).

Have a happy and safe Christmas and New Year break. Enews will resume in February 2015.

Regards, the 2014 team:
Julia Veitch, Vithya Premkumar and Dussy Kuttner

HDR seminars and CCS events

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week - mostly Christmas things

Tue Dec 1611:30
1:00 PM
ACBD/Medicine seminar: Dr Hong Bin Liu
Confirmation of PhD candidature: Ms Britt Christensen
Wed Dec 1712:00 noon
12:30 PM
CCS Middle Managers Christmas lunch
MAPrc Christmas lunch: contact MAPrc@monash.edu
Thu Dec 1810:30 AM
7:00 PM
 Russell Evan's farewell morning tea - all welcome
ACBD Christmas party: contact roisin.briscoe@monash.edu
Fri Dec 1912:30 PMImmunology Kris Kringle and pot luck lunch: contact Nina.McLean@monash.edu

Forthcoming events

Mon Dec 22 1:00 PM MAPrc Kris Kringle
Tues Dec 23 Last working day before University shutdown. First working day back in 2015 is Monday 5 Jan.

Congratulations to prize winners Chris Brooks and Laura Blair-West

Mrs Candice Rosengarten awarding
the prize plate to Chris Brooks
Congratulations to CCS students and graduates for recent wins.

Chris Brooks (Department of Surgery) won the D.S. Rosengarten Surgical Trainee Research Prize for his presentation, "Smoking increases postoperative respiratory complications and unplanned return to Theate in vascular surgical patients". Read more

Laura Blair-West (MAPrc) is a BMedSc(Hons) student investigating how social behaviour is affected with direct current stimulation. She won best poster presentation at the Australian Cognitive Science conference (seen here presenting her poster at the September 2014 AMREP EMCR conference, which she also won). Read more.

Congratulations to Amber Moore and Casey Lo, on their postgraduate degree awards!

Congratulations to Ms Amber Moore, who has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on 2 December 2014. Her thesis was titled "Philosophical and professional issues in Chinese medicine". Amber was enrolled in the Department of Medicine, and supervised by Professor Paul Komesaroff and Dr Kylie O'Brien. Well done Amber!

Congratulations to Mr Casey Lo, who has been awarded the degree of Master of Surgery. Casey Lo is a Thoracics Fellow at St Vincent's Private Hospital and completed his degree under the supervision of Drs Silvana Marasco and Deidre Murphy.  Read more

Recent publications with EMCR authors

The EMCR Times no.14 included recent publications with EMCR authors, which if you didn't see there, you can see below. Congratulations to all our hard working graduate students and postdocs.

EMCR Times: No. 14 now out

Cartoon: Cathy Wilcox
The EMCRTimes No.14 is now out, with highlights, farewells, recent publications, useful links, thankyou's, photos, cartoons and more.

The committee has had a very active and successful year, including the establishment of a seed grant program and a very well attended conference. They are seeking nominations for next year's committee.

See more:

Participants sought: Investigating the health benefits of dietary fibre

Leek and prawn risotto, on the menu
Healthy volunteers are required for a study investigating the optimal increase in dietary fibre to improve bowel movement and gut bacteria. This study involves volunteers consuming nutritionally balanced diets that vary only in their dietary fibre content, over an entire period of 12 weeks. All cooked food will be supplied. Participants will be asked to purchase the fresh food component of the diet. All the diets have been designed and prepared by a fully qualified and experienced professional chef.

See more: www.med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/clin-trials/ct-veitch.html

Farewell to our retiring Technical Services Manager, Russell Evans

CCS's Technical Services Manager, Mr Russell Evans, is retiring (but not shy). He has worked many years for Central Clinical School and in its previous incarnation, Central and Eastern Clinical School.

Thanks Russell for all your dedicated service, problem solving and schlepping over the years!

Everyone is invited to Russell's farewell morning tea on Thursday 18 Dec, Tea room, Level 6, Alfred Centre. Enquiries to Catherine Wong, catherine.wong@monash.edu or x30640

Welcome to our new staff

Welcome to our new staff!

  • Dr Shoshana Sztal-Mazer, Teaching Associate for UMED. Shoshana is an endocrinologist at the Alfred.
  • Dr Anna Korin, Teaching Associate for UMED. Anna is a supervisor of Intern Training at the Alfred.
  • Miss Angela Weber, Professional staff, Department of Surgery
  • Mr Peter Frost, Professional staff, Peninsula Clinical School
  • Ms Ellen Mathieson, Technical Assistant, BAFF lab, Department of Immunology
  • Dr Jodie Palmer, Department of Gastroenterology
  • Mrs Cheryl Berndt, Technical Assistant, ACBD
  • Ms Beatriz De Garcillan, Research Fellow, BAFF lab, Department of Immunology
  • Dr Alison Thorburn, Teaching Associate for Department of Immunology
  • Dr Janette Allison, Teaching Associate for Department of Immunology
  • Dr Sandra Walker, Research Fellow, Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic

Survey of staff's fitness and wellbeing by Faculty: Responses due 16 Jan 2015

Two years ago Monash offered staff a health check and, from this, a report was developed on the health and wellbeing of our staff. It identified a number of issues that may be addressed by an increase in physical and mental health activity.

Therefore, in 2015, we would like to promote participation in the University’s health and wellbeing program.  Items on offer will include fitness programs like yoga and pilates, general health information sessions, nutrition based programs and mindfulness/resilience programs to name a few.
To assist us in tailoring the wellbeing program for our faculty, your feedback to the 2014 Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences Staff Health and Wellbeing Survey would be extremely valuable. The survey closes on 16 January, 2015.

Detailed information on the SWAP programs available go to http://www.monash.edu/ohs/wellbeing/swap.html.

Finalised programs to be offered to the faculty will be available early in 2015.

7 Dec 2014

Photo of the week: FODMAP food and raising money for brain cancer research

The Department of Gastroenterology has an extensive testing program to ascertain FODMAP levels of various foods. The foodstuffs which have a long shelf life, e.g. spices, condiments, powders etc, once tested are now being given away and a gold coin donation is invited to raise money for the "Cure Brain Cancer Foundation". One of their colleagues, a young and beautiful woman called Amanda Banfield, died earlier this year of an aggressive brain tumour, so this is in memory of her. Without research, we will never know the causes, hence treatment, of brain cancers.
The food can be taken from Level 6, Alfred Centre. Enquiries to:  Ms Phip Settle x30526

Events: HDR seminars, public events, general notices

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Tue Dec 911:00 AMHonours final oral review seminar: Mr Adam Rickard

11:20 AMPhD Mid-candidature review - Ms Amani Alrehaili
Thur Dec 114:00 PM Central Clinical School Christmas Party RSVP: catherine.wong@monash.edu cost $10 per person
Fri Dec 122:00 PM Head of School presentation: Prof Stephen Jane

Forthcoming events

Tue Dec 16 1:00 PM Confirmation of PhD candidature - Ms Britt Christensen

Congratulations to our newly awarded PhD students, Kathryn Hackman and Jay Jha!

Kathryn Hackman. See more
Jay Jha. See more
Congratulations to our PhD students Kathryn Hackman (AIRmed/Medicine) and Jay Jha (BakerIDI) for the award of their PhD degrees (respectively on lung transplant in diabetic patients, and mechanisms of diabetes). Well done on completing! They are our 19th and 20th PhD students to complete this year.

"Top 5 under 40" competition: Are you a young scientist with a passion for communicating your research? Apply by 16 Jan 2015

To mark 40 years of The Science ShowTop 5 under 40 is an exciting initiative jointly offered by University of New South Wales and ABC Radio National to discover Australia’s new generation of science thinkers – and give them a voice.

We’re looking for outstanding early-career researchers aged under 40 working in Australian universities and research organisations across the fields of science, medical research, technology, engineering and maths. A desire and flair for communicating your work is a must. Applications due in by 16 Jan 2015.

Research highlights: Rib healing; HIV & Hep C, AIRmed grants

Media mentions

02/12/2014 Dr Bernadette Fitzgibbon, MAPrc, along with Dr Melita Giummarra, School of Psychological Sciences, commented on new research from Yale University that suggests that just because you're friendly, it doesn't mean you're adept at understanding how other people are feeling.
Nine MSN

02/12/2014 Associate Professor Edwina Wright, Department of Infectious Diseases, discussed the progress in #HIV research.
Medical Journal of Australia

03/12/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc, discussed how childhood trauma in women can affect the genetic disposition of their children.

03/12/2014 Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Ellen, MAPrc, on his favourite guest for the show.
774 ABC

30 Nov 2014

Photo of the week: Immunology symposium

L-R: Professor Fabienne Mackay, HOD, Department of Immunology; Dr Irina Caminschi, Laboratory Head, Dendritic cell biology and Immunotherapy, Burnet Institute; Professor Jacques Banchereau, The Jackson Laboratory (JAX), USA; Professor Virginia Pascual, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, USA; Professor Paul Hertzog, Monash Institute of Medical Research; Dr Mireille Lahoud, Laboratory head, Dendritic Cell Receptors, Burnet Institute; Associate Professor Mark Wright, Laboratory Head, Leucocyte Membrane Protein Laboratory, Department of Immunology; Dr Meredith O’Keefe, Head, Dendritic Cell Research Lab, Burnet Institute; Professor Ken Shortman, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
The Monash University Department of Immunology and Burnet Institute hosted a symposium on 24 November 2014 featuring two international guest speakers, Dr Virgina Pascual and Dr Jacques Banchereau. It was very well attended. See:

Events: HDR seminars, public events, general notices

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Tue Dec 2 12:00 PM ACBD and Dept Med Seminar Series 2014 - Joan Heath
Wed Dec 3 12:00 PM Clinical Pathology Review (CPR)

Forthcoming events

Sat Dec 6 8:00 AM
DS Rosengarten Prize competition and award
Tue Dec 9 11:00 AM PhD Mid-candidature review - Ms Amani Alrehaili
Thur Dec 11 4:00 PM Central Clinical School Christmas Party RSVP: catherine.wong@monash.edu cost $10 per person
Fri Dec 12 2:00 PM Head of School presentation: Prof Stephen Jane

Congratulations to our recently completed PhD students Aislin Meehan and Andris Ellims!

Congratulations to two of our PhD students who have recently been awarded their degrees.

Aislin Meehan

Aislin's thesis was entitled "Investigating the function of natural killer cells during Immunological responses following human lung transplantation" and her supervisors were A/Prof Glen Westall, Dr Nicole Mifsud and A/Prof Tom Kotsimbos (Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine).

Andris Ellims

Andris' thesis was entitled "Ventricular remodelling in cardiomyopathy - impact on ventricular physiology and cardiovascular outcomes". Andris's thesis was completed through the Department of Medicine. Andris was supervised by Associate Professor Andrew Taylor, Head of Clinical Imaging at BakerIDI.

Well done to our PhD graduates! 

Research highlights: brain changes in bipolar disorder; low FODMAP diet

FODMAP foods
This week's research highlights include:
  • MAPrc researcher Dr Jerome Maller recently published an article which looks at volumetric, cortical thickness and white matter integrity alterations in bipolar disorder type I and II. Read more.
  •  What is the long term impact of adopting a low FODMAP diet? Department of Gastroenterology research investigates the effect of dietary restriction on gut microbiota. Read more
  • Beating the bloat - how dietary manipulation makes a difference. Read more

Education highlights: 20th International Symposium on Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and related viruses

Approximately 420 international researchers attended the 20th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses in Melbourne, Australia, from October 6–10, 2013. Since the discovery of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 1989, significant advances have been made in our understanding of the molecular biology and host response to this significant pathogen, many of which have been presented at this symposium. Infectious diseases and immunology researchers have published a summary of the highlights, gaps in knowledge and 'Where to now?' ideas from the meeting in the journal Gastroenterology. Read more DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2014.05.022

Media mentions

24/11/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, MAPrc, received a "Contribution to Community by an Individual" award in the 2014 Melbourne Awards.   Jayashri was recognised as a world leading pioneer and a passionate advocate for women’s mental health, who has delivered a range of reforms including the establishment of MAPrc; development of a world-first treatment approach for women with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression; and establishment of a national register for managing pregnant women needing antipsychotic medications. Herald Sun

23 Nov 2014

Photo of the week

2014 CCS HDR Symposium winners with Prof Robyn O'Hehir (Centre)
Central Clinical School postgraduate students held a very successful symposium on 19 November 2014, the seventh annual symposium since the series inception. There was an outstanding line up of both oral and poster presenters. Comic relief was provided by getting supervisors to jump through the hoops of "Explain my graph" (in which a supervisor had to speak to graphs in a subject area not their own) and the "No-Bell" prize competition (in which supervisors had to answer tricky questions in very non-technical language).
See more:

Read more

Events: HDR seminars, public events, general notices

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Mon Nov 2411:00 AMMonash and Burnet Immunology Symposium

1:30 PMPsychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Leo Chen
Fri Nov 28
Deadline: HDR re-enrolment for 2015

Forthcoming events

Mon Dec 1 1:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round

2:00 PM CCS HOS annual Address

Opportunity to join the AMREP EMCR Committee 2015

2014 AMREP EMCR Committee members
The AMREP EMCR Committee is looking for dedicated, energetic and enthusiastic EMCRs (PhD students, and 1-10 years Postdocs) to join their growing and dynamic committee, in 2015. This committee will be responsible for the ongoing management and organisation of all EMCR related activities at AMREP (encompassing Monash, Baker IDI, Burnet, and Alfred), including the following:

Media mentions

20/11/2014 Professor Peter Gibson, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, had studied 34 people with irritable bowel syndrome who did not have coeliac disease but reacted badly to wheat and had concluded that non-coeliac gluten sensitivity "may exist".
Canberra Times

2014 HR dates

Last working day - Tuesday, 23 December 2014

First working day for 2015 - Monday, 5 January 2015

Below is the specific pay periods and payment dates for salary payments leading up to and after the close down: 

Pay FortnightPay Day
29/11/14 - 12/12/14Thursday, 11 December 2014
13/12/13 - 26/12/14Friday , 19 December 2014
27/12/14 - 09/01/15Thursday, 8 January 2015

For further information in regards to the University closedown period please visit: http://www.adm.monash.edu.au/human-resources/news/closedown-deadlines.html

Casual/ Sessional Employee Timesheet Submission and Supervisor Approval Payroll Deadlines

All electronic time sheets must be approved on Monday,15 December 2014 (before 4 pm) 

For all paper based time sheet, please submit before end of business on Friday, 12 December 2014 (for any time sheets with dates prior to 12 December 2014).

ActivitySubmission DeadlineFurther Information
Casual/Sessional Requests - New
Requests for new engagements required for 15 December 2014 and up until 12 January 2015
Friday 5 December 2014Access HR will endeavour to ensure all stakeholders (appointee, approver etc) complete their part of the engagement process to ensure that new terms of engagements can be issued and accepted prior to University closedown.
Casual/Sessional Requests - Rehires in Rex ONLY
For engagements expiring between 15 December 2014 and 12 January 2015
Friday 5 December 2014Rehires should be completed in the new Contract Expiry Management System (CEM) for Casual/Sessional. Where rehire in CEM is not possible, a request can be made to Access HR who will endeavour to ensure all stakeholders (appointee, approver etc) complete their part of the engagement process to ensure that terms of engagement can be issued and accepted prior to University closedown.

If you require any further clarification in regards to the end of year closedown please don't hesitate to contact:

Stephanie Murray
HR Business Partner
Working Days Monday-Tuesday-Thursday

Staff news

Welcome to Catie Bleeker to the MAPrc team.  Caitie will be working with Emmy Gavrilids as a student volunteer. Her work interests are completing Bach of Psychology with Honours at Monash. Studying and working in areas based on research on psychosis, mood disorders and neurodegenerative disorders.


Welcome to Arup Dhar to the MAPrc team.  Arup is working with MAPrc as a Registrar and clinical research scientist. His work interests are depression, anxiety and  cardio metabolic disturbance in mental health.

16 Nov 2014

Photo of the week

The annual ANZ Society for Cell Development and Biology was hosted by the Victorian chapter, held at the Alfred campus on 5 November 2014. Convenors were Dr Sebastian Dworkin, (Central Clinical School), Dr Jan Kaslin (ARMI), and Dr Louise Cheng (Peter Mac), ably assisted by Bonnie Dopheide (CCS). See more:

2014 Postgraduate Symposium

Marina Iacovou presenting
at the 2013 CCS symposium

Central Clinical School invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium.
Date: Wednesday 19 November 2014
Lecture Theatre, level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and hallway for poster presentations and refreshments.
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu.
RSVP link
Students have the opportunity to explain their research to other students and by participating, will foster collaborations, networking and a greater awareness of the expertise and research being conducted at AMREP. Current PhD students will be running the program, including chairing the presentations: Ms Jodie Abramovitch (chair), Ms Kai Sin Lee, Ms Sara Mohktar, Mr Timothy Colgan and Mr Man Kit Lee, assisted by Ms Dussy  Kuttner.   Participants will be judged by a panel of senior academics and postdocs. Attractive monetary prizes will be given for outstanding work.  For more information, please visit: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html

Events: HDR seminars, public events, general notices

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.

What's on for this week

Mon Nov 171:30 PMPsychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Amaryah Paul
Wed Nov 1910:00 AM2014 AMREP Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium

12:30 PMPhD Pre-submission review - Ms Khayriyyah Mohd Hanafiah
Thu Nov 202:30 PMGuest speaker: Mr Christopher Hammang, CSIRO, Sydney

Forthcoming events

Mon Nov 24 11:00 AM Monash and Burnet Immunology Symposium

1:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Leo Chen

To save a particular event to your own calendar, please click on the "Google calendar" icon found near the event name.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

Major CCS events

2014 Postgraduate symposium

20 Nov Guest speaker: Medical animator Chris Hammang

Christopher Hammang, a biomedical animator at the Garvin Institute is visiting Central Clinical School and will be presenting: Animating the Gut Microbiome
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre
Time: 2.30-3.30pm
In this talk, Christopher Hammang will present two of his biomedical animation projects; "The Hungry Microbiome" and “Alzheimer’s Enigma” which he created as part of a larger research communication initiative, called VIZBIplus. The animations created by Christopher explore immense scientific detail, but remove abstract scientific language and jargon in order to keep the content interesting and meaningful to the largest possible audience. The techniques and principles which Christopher uses in his work will be explored, demonstrating how scientists have more tools at their fingertips than ever before to communicate their work to wider audiences.

Congratulations to Community Service Melburnian, Prof Jayashri Kulkarni

Congratulations to Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director of Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre, who is the 2014 winner of a City of Melbourne award in the Contribution to community category. The annual Melbourne Awards celebrate the inspirational Melburnians who dedicate their time and energy for the benefit of the city and are Melbourne's highest accolade. The award was announced 15 Nov 2014. See more:

Congratulations to Tutor of the Year medical education awardees!

Each year, outstanding teachers in the Alfred medical undergraduate teaching program are recognised in the Tutor of the Year Awards. Congratulations to the 2014 winners!
  • PBL Tutor of the Year: Professor Russell Gruen
  • CBL Tutor of the Year: Professor Stephen Jane
  • Bedside Tutor of the Year: Dr Indi Rasaratnam
  • Consultant of the Year: Dr Indi Rasaratnam 
  • HMO/Registrar/Intern of the Year: Dr Wee Chee & Dr Azhar Munas
  • Wednesday Lecturer of the Year: Dr Indi Rasaratnam
  • Other Tutor of the Year: Dr David Elder & Dr Jorge Zavala
  • Admin Staff Member of the Year: Ms Jean Martyn

Research highlights

Media mentions

10/11/2014 Professor Peter Gibson, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, discussed his research into FODMAPs. 
Huffington Post 
17/11/2014 Prof Gibson commented on the difference between Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis.  Gibson discussed the symptoms of Diverticular and explained that it is out-pouchings from the bowel.
774 ABC

Staff news

Welcome to Monique Scott to the MAPrc team.  Monique is working with Dr Neil Thomas in the Voices Clinic. She is studying as a provisional psychologist, and Doctor of psychology (clinical) candidate.  Her work and study interests are hearing voices, schizophrenia. bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.

9 Nov 2014

Photo of the week: Governor-General visits MAPrc

L-R: Lady Cosgrove, Sir Peter Cosgrove and Prof Jayashri
Kulkarni (Director of MAPrc)
The new Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, is also newly Patron of the Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre. He and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, visited MAPrc in September for a tour of the centre and to meet the researchers. He takes on the role from the previous Governor-General, Dame Quentin Bryce. See:

2014 Postgraduate symposium

Marina Iacovou presenting
at the 2013 CCS symposium

Central Clinical School invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium.
Date: Wednesday 19 November 2014
Lecture Theatre, level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and hallway for poster presentations and refreshments.
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu.
RSVP link
Students have the opportunity to explain their research to other students and by participating, will foster collaborations, networking and a greater awareness of the expertise and research being conducted at AMREP. Current PhD students will be running the program, including chairing the presentations: Ms Jodie Abramovitch (chair), Ms Kai Sin Lee, Ms Sara Mohktar, Mr Timothy Colgan and Mr Man Kit Lee, assisted by Ms Dussy  Kuttner.   Participants will be judged by a panel of senior academics and postdocs. Attractive monetary prizes will be given for outstanding work.  For more information, please visit: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html