10 Mar 2014

Forthcoming events (15-24 Mar)

See Announcements calendar.
Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:30 PM Baker IDI seminar - Prof Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka
2:00 PM Building Partnership Relations Lecturer - Dr John Morrison
Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:30 PM Immunology Lunchtime Seminar Series - Ms Jodie Abramovitch
Thur Mar 20-Fri Mar 21, 20149:00 AMLung Health Education Program 2014 - Managing COPD
Fri Mar 21, 20141:00 PMHaematology Translational and Educational Meetings (HaTEM)

What's on for this week (10-14 Mar)

Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:00 AM Confirmation of PhD Candidature seminar - Dr Sung Chiu
12:00 PM Issues in Research Translation Science - Prof Jeremy Grimshaw
12:00 PM ACBD and Dept Med Seminar Series 2014 - Sung Chiu & Jae Lee
3:30 PM PhD Mid-candidature review seminar - Mr Anmar Khan
Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:00 PM Immunology Lunchtime Seminar Series - Dr Angela Pizzola
Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:30 PM MIDS Seminar - A/Prof Edwina Wright, Dr Julian Elliott,  Prof Jenny Hoy
12:30 PM Confirmation of PhD Candidature - Ms Tingting Cao

Media Mentions (03-09 Mar)

07/03/2013 Prof Sharon Lewin, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, commented on the use of gene therapy to upgrade the immune system of HIV patients.  She mentioned that the idea of modifying a T-cell to make it resistant and showing it is feasible and they survive, is exciting.


07/03/2013 A/Prof Wendy Brown, Departmentof Surgery, commented on increased spending on supersized ambulances, hospital beds and reinforced toilets as hospitals struggle to cater for Australia's obesity epidemic.  She mentioned that facilities across Australia have had to enlarge hospital rooms, hallways and doorframes to improve access, and reinforce walls and ceilings to support the heavy-duty equipment, and that she'd expect to see more and more bariatric equipment in hospital wards.
Australian Doctor

03/03/2014 Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Ian Haines, Department of Medicine, commented on prostate cancer surgery. He said there was

no real evidence that prostate cancer surgery changes the natural history of the disease and that we’re good at curing prostate cancers that are not a problem but not good at curing those biologically programmed to kill a person.

The Herald Sun, Geelong Advertiser, Northern Territory News and seven other regional online newspapers. 

Staff News

Welcome to the following new starters:

Dr Thomas Fulford
Teaching Associate
Ms Lakshmi Krishnan Research Assistant
Miss Jessica Lee
Research Assistant
Ms Claire Petitjean Research Assistant ACBD
Miss Lotte Toennesen Research Assistant
Miss Ashlee Conway Teaching Associate Immunology
Ms Christina Chang
Research Assistant Infectious Diseases
Mr Michael Roche
Research Fellow
Infectious Diseases
Miss Chloe Ngo
Teaching Associate
Dr Donia Moujalled
Research Officer
Miss Lucy Taylor General Staff Gastroenterology
Dr Simon Teteris Teaching Associate Immunology
AdjClin AssP Patrick Fiddes
Peninsula Clinical School
Dr Hugh Kelso
Teaching Associate
Peninsula Clinical School
Miss Orla O'Brien
Assistant Lecturer
Undergraduate Teaching, Alfred Hospital

Farewell and best wishes to the following staff: 

  • Dr Elizabeth McRobert, Senior Research Officer, Medicine