31 Aug 2014

Photo of the week

How effective are mass media for highlighting your work? The graph at left shows visit rates for the Department of Gastroenterology's new prebiotic diet web pages. People are interested in food and in themselves, so research on food and how it can contribute to good health has an intuitive appeal.

However, any promotion of your work, regardless of subject matter, whether to the public or to its relevant specialist interest group will result in a viewing spike. See 'Social media for scientists' presentation.

See CCS Monash's Google+ page for more photo albums. 

HDR seminars and major CCS events

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements. To save a particular event to your own calendar, please click on the "Google calendar" icon found near the event name.  Various Departments have their own calendars, see CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Mon Sep 1 12:30 PM HDR Milestone Review - Ms Tanya Millard

12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Amarayah Paul
Tue Sep 2 11:00 AM Pre-submission review seminar - Dr Andrew Guirguis

1:00 PM PhD mid-candidature review - Ms Sreepurna Malakar
Wed Sep 3 12:30 PM Confirmation of PhD Candidature - Ms Kirsty Wilson

Forthcoming events

Mon Sep 8 12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Prof Chris Pantelis
Tue Sep 9 10:00 AM BMedSc(Hons) Oral Presentation #2
Wed Nov 19 10:00 AM 2014 AMREP Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium

Major CCS events

Postgraduate symposium call for abstracts

Central Clinical School invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium.
Date:  Wednesday 19 November 2014
Lecture Theatre, level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and hallway for poster presentations and refreshments.
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu.
Abstract submission and RSVP: CLICK HERE   
Students have the opportunity to explain their research to other students and by participating, will foster collaborations, networking and a greater awareness of the expertise and research being conducted at AMREP. Current PhD students will be running the program, including chairing the presentations: Ms Jodie Abramovitch (chair), Ms Kay Sin Lee, Ms Sara Mohktar, Mr Timothy Colgan and Mr Man Kit Lee, assisted by Ms Dussy Kuttner.   Participants will be judged by a panel of senior academics and postdocs. Attractive monetary prizes will be given for outstanding work.  For more information, please visit: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html

2014 CCS BMedSc(Hons) Oral Presentation #2 details:

2014 CCS and SPHPM BMedSc(Hons) students
Date: Tuesday 9 September
Time: 10am-4.30pm
Venue: Lecture theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre
For program: CLICK HERE (971 kb Pdf)
All are invited to attend.  See more: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/current-hons-bmedsc.html

Lewin Lab Farewell

Prof Sharon Lewin, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases has taken on the role of Director at the new Peter Doherty Institute, University of Melbourne. Sharon and co-head A/Prof Paul Cameron are moving with their  research group to the Institute by 5 Sept 2014.


Congratulations to Rohimah Mohamud on completing her PhD! Her thesis was entitled, "Investigation of a novel subset of TNFR2 expressing regulatory T cell in lung diseases". Rohimah was based in the Department of Immunology, and was supervised by Professor Magdalena Plebanski. Her associate supervisors were Prof Robyn O'Hehir (Head of Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine), Prof Jennifer Rolland and Dr Charles Hardy. Well done Rohimah!

Adj Clin Assoc Prof Bruce Thompson, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine was elected to the Board of thec TSANZ at the AGM held in March 2014 and has since been appointed Secretary of the Society and therefore on the senior management team with responsibility of the State Branches and special interest groups.

Award for best paper by the Australasian Gene Therapy Society

The Australasian Gene Therapy Society have awarded "Best Paper" for 2014 to Associate Professor Frank Alderuccio's paper, first authored by his PhD student Jie-Yu Chung (pictured). The paper is titled "Gene therapy delivery of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) via hematopoietic stem cell transfer induces MOG-specific B cell deletion" and was published in the Journal of Immunology. Reference

EMCR mentorship program 2014/15: Mentors sought

The Early-Mid Career Researcher Committee committee is seeking mentors for the 2014/15 Mentorship Program. Mentors can be at any stage of their careers (A to E) and be basic scientists or clinician scientists.  This 12 month program includes mentors and mentees across AMREP including the CCS, SPHPM, Baker IDI, Burnet Institute and Alfred Hospital, whereby early career researchers are paired with a mentor to discuss career planning. Mentors and mentees meet each month to discuss topics such as grant writing, fellowships and career disruptions.  The EMCR committee mentorship team has been running this highly successful program for a couple of years. The program is the flagship for EMCR mentorship programs in the Medical Faculty at Monash.  Please be informed that mentorship is a component of career advancement at Monash and in various fellowship schemes.  Please contact Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka email: Jennifer.Wilkinson-Berka@monash.edu for further information

Media mentions

27/08/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc, commented on a study that found a link between women who use antidepressants during pregnancy and children who develop ADHD.  She said that the study has found a correlation not a causation, and antidepressants are already prescribed lightly in pregnant women. She also mentioned that more research is needed and it would be unwise for pregnant women to stop taking antidepressants. 666 ABC Canberra

27/08/2014 The Honourable Quentin Bryce AD CVO mentioned Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc at the 2014 Richard Larkins Oration.  Ms Bryce said that she was exhilarated by her discussions with Jayashri and her colleagues about their mental health research.  http://monash.edu/news/show/2014-richard-larkins-oration


29/08/2014 Dr Dashiell Gantner, Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, commented on studies on the death of patients who were moved out of ICU, after hours.  He said, ‘‘Resources are one piece of the puzzle; it would be ideal if going into the night we had an extra bed to admit the unexpected patient without having to discharge another.’'
North West Star