14 Sept 2014

Photo of the week: 2014 De Castella Run for Mental Health

Runners, young and old, warming up
The 31 August annual De Castella Run for Mental Health, organised by the Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre, was a great success. They had their highest ever number of participants and funds raised, respectively 2,000 and $80,000 (approximately). The funds will go towards a postgraduate scholarship and research. See more at:

HDR seminars and major CCS events

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements. To save a particular event to your own calendar, please click on the "Google calendar" icon found near the event name.  Various Departments have their own calendars, see CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Mon Sep 15 12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Julian Freidin

2:00 PM Research Fellowship Application Support Program 2015
Wed Sep 17
2014 AMREP EMCR conference

12:30 PM PhD Pre-submission review - Mr Mutsa Madondo

Forthcoming events

Mon Sep 22 12:30 PM Psychiatry Professorial Grand Round - Dr Prashanth Puspanathan
Wed Sep 24 12:30 PM Phd Mid-candidature review - Mr Abhirup Jayasimhan
Wed Nov 19 10:00 AM 2014 AMREP Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium

Major CCS events

Postgraduate symposium call for abstracts

Central Clinical School invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium.
Date:  Wednesday 19 November 2014
Lecture Theatre, level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and hallway for poster presentations and refreshments.
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu.
Abstract submission and RSVP: CLICK HERE   
Students have the opportunity to explain their research to other students and by participating, will foster collaborations, networking and a greater awareness of the expertise and research being conducted at AMREP. Current PhD students will be running the program, including chairing the presentations: Ms Jodie Abramovitch (chair), Ms Kay Sin Lee, Ms Sara Mohktar, Mr Timothy Colgan and Mr Man Kit Lee, assisted by Ms Dussy Kuttner.   Participants will be judged by a panel of senior academics and postdocs. Attractive monetary prizes will be given for outstanding work.  For more information, please visit: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html

Congratulations! First Australian to receive new MS grant

L-R: PhD student Jae Lee
with Dr Steven Petratos
Congratulations to Monash University’s Dr Steven Petratos, who is the only Australian recipient of the International Progressive MS Alliance first round of grants. Dr Petratos, Department of Medicine, is doing research into new therapies to stop progressive Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic condition that worsens over time disrupting the flow of information within the brain and body. Progressive MS takes away vision, mobility, cognition, and the ability to work. See Monash story. For more photos of Steven's lab group and students, see Photo gallery.

Free! Pilot courses for the Translational Research postgraduate program

These two workshops are pilots for Monash University's new Translational Research PhD and Graduate Certificate. The pilot courses are free for Monash PhD candidates and teaching/research staff. Each 4 hour workshop is designed as a starting point for participants to develop an interest or skills in the particular area of expertise. RSVP by Tues 16 Sept.

Introduction to Fermentation and Bioprocessing
1:00 - 5:00 pm 24 Sept, CSIRO (Clayton)
Course detail and registration link

Introduction to Biobanking
1:00 - 5:00 pm 25 Sept, The Alfred
Course detail and registration link

Welcome to our new mid year Honours students

CCS would like to extend a warm welcome to our new mid year Honours students:

Natasha Setiabakti - BMedSc(Hons)
Thesis title: Determining the location and function of PI3KC2α in platelets and megakaryocytes
Supervisor: Dr Justin Hamilton
Department: ACBD

Sachin Gamage - BiomedSc(Hons)
Thesis title: The effects of long ITI (LITI) and short ITI (SITI) rTMS measured by ECT and NIRS
Supervisor: Dr Richard Thompson and Dr Rebecca Seagrave
Department: MAPrc

Kyal Young - BSc(Hons)
Thesis title: Examining signalling pathway changes in human lupus
Supervisor: A/Prof Margaret Hibbs
Department: Immunology

Media mentions

08/09/2014 Professor Peter Gibson, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology is said to be 'sceptical' of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity.  He is said to believe that Fodmaps (carbohydrates found in food containing gluten), may be to blame and that the industry has taken advantage of the gluten-free craze.  He said that people who go gluten-free put themselves at risk of nutritional inadequacy.

08/09/2014 Ms Dussy Kuttner, Communications Assistant (CCS & SPHPM), describes how sexual harrassment and binge drinking take place at Monash University orientation week camps run by Monash clubs and societies, and many girls have reported that the bullying and harrassment have subsequently affected their psychological wellbeing. The activities are not regulated by Monash University. 3AW, syndicated to regional radio stations.

09/09/2014 Dr Jane Muir, Department of Gastroenterology, will speak at the inaugural Foods for Specific Populations Conference on 17 September.
Australian Food News

10/09/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc, discusses violent words, not just deeds, leaving a lasting mark on our kids.  She said that Family violence includes physical, sexual, mental, neglect or negligent forms of assaults.
The Conversation

EMCR@AMREP update: new photo of the committee

2014 Committee members. L-R: Dr Judy Lowthian (SPHPM), Ms Sarah Charnaud (Burnet), Mr Lahn Straney (SPHPM), Dr Tamsyn Van Rheenen (MAPrc), Dr Lachlan Gray (Chair, Burnet/Infectious Diseases), Ms Roisin Briscoe (ACBD), Dr Nicole Messina (ACBD), Dr Megan Lim (Co-secretary, SPHPM/Burnet). Absent: Dr Carolina Weller (SPHPM), Dr Eric Chow (MSHC), Dr Hao Lu (Infectious Diseases), Ms Fiona Wightman (Infectious Diseases), Dr Brian Drew (Baker IDI), Ms Elisha Horat (Co-secretary, Burnet), Dr Joanne O’Toole (SPHPM), Dr Erica Neill (MAPrc)

New: Alfred Precinct Research and Revenue newsletter

Alfred Precinct Update for R&R Accounting Services is now producing a newsletter featuring various updates for reporting, dates, staff, workshops, etc. Each issue will be added to the CCS Intranet under Research and Revenue Services>Newsletters. It is anticipated to be quarterly. See link: