7 Dec 2014

Photo of the week: FODMAP food and raising money for brain cancer research

The Department of Gastroenterology has an extensive testing program to ascertain FODMAP levels of various foods. The foodstuffs which have a long shelf life, e.g. spices, condiments, powders etc, once tested are now being given away and a gold coin donation is invited to raise money for the "Cure Brain Cancer Foundation". One of their colleagues, a young and beautiful woman called Amanda Banfield, died earlier this year of an aggressive brain tumour, so this is in memory of her. Without research, we will never know the causes, hence treatment, of brain cancers.
The food can be taken from Level 6, Alfred Centre. Enquiries to:  Ms Phip Settle x30526

Events: HDR seminars, public events, general notices

All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendars (including local events such as professional development and trade fairs and HDR calendars). For a consolidated view, details of events and to see all events and deadlines, see Announcements.  Various Departments have their own calendars: See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for this week

Tue Dec 911:00 AMHonours final oral review seminar: Mr Adam Rickard

11:20 AMPhD Mid-candidature review - Ms Amani Alrehaili
Thur Dec 114:00 PM Central Clinical School Christmas Party RSVP: catherine.wong@monash.edu cost $10 per person
Fri Dec 122:00 PM Head of School presentation: Prof Stephen Jane

Forthcoming events

Tue Dec 16 1:00 PM Confirmation of PhD candidature - Ms Britt Christensen

Congratulations to our newly awarded PhD students, Kathryn Hackman and Jay Jha!

Kathryn Hackman. See more
Jay Jha. See more
Congratulations to our PhD students Kathryn Hackman (AIRmed/Medicine) and Jay Jha (BakerIDI) for the award of their PhD degrees (respectively on lung transplant in diabetic patients, and mechanisms of diabetes). Well done on completing! They are our 19th and 20th PhD students to complete this year.

"Top 5 under 40" competition: Are you a young scientist with a passion for communicating your research? Apply by 16 Jan 2015

To mark 40 years of The Science ShowTop 5 under 40 is an exciting initiative jointly offered by University of New South Wales and ABC Radio National to discover Australia’s new generation of science thinkers – and give them a voice.

We’re looking for outstanding early-career researchers aged under 40 working in Australian universities and research organisations across the fields of science, medical research, technology, engineering and maths. A desire and flair for communicating your work is a must. Applications due in by 16 Jan 2015.

Research highlights: Rib healing; HIV & Hep C, AIRmed grants

Media mentions

02/12/2014 Dr Bernadette Fitzgibbon, MAPrc, along with Dr Melita Giummarra, School of Psychological Sciences, commented on new research from Yale University that suggests that just because you're friendly, it doesn't mean you're adept at understanding how other people are feeling.
Nine MSN

02/12/2014 Associate Professor Edwina Wright, Department of Infectious Diseases, discussed the progress in #HIV research.
Medical Journal of Australia

03/12/2014 Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Director, MAPrc, discussed how childhood trauma in women can affect the genetic disposition of their children.

03/12/2014 Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Ellen, MAPrc, on his favourite guest for the show.
774 ABC